A Human GOD..!!

This post of mine will specifically be discussing about the concept which many people have about God that he comes down to earth in a human form..

My purpose is not to criticize but to explain to the people as to why God can’t can down..

Some people argue that God can do everything so why cant he become a human??

My response..Yes God can do everything but he chooses to do ONLY GODLY THINGS.

God can lie if he wants, but  God will never lie.

God can be unjust but he wont be.

Further if we read Rigveda it tells that God is only one.. ( click here )

Bhagwat gita its clearly mentioned that God is unborn… ( click here )

Yajurveda explains that God cant have a body. ( click here )

Svetasvatara Upanishad mentions that God does not have a father. ( click here )

In the light of the above mentioned scriptures it is clear that God can not be a human and come down to earth.


I don’t know why some people after reading their own scriptures can’t believe that God is not a human..

Firstly we can not have a MAN GOD. ( man and a god at the same time).. we humans require to eat .

God does not need to feed or to be fed, but he provides food for the people of the world.

God does not requires rest, or to marry and have kids..

These are human acts, we cant just insult God like that..

lastly God CAN NOT die.

God is free from birth and death.

Hindus believe Shri Krishna to be an avatar of God. No disrespect but he too died. ( click here )

I just want those people to question themselves, CAN A GOD DIE..??

God According to RIGVEDA..!!

Consider the following few verses from Rigveda..

Reference: Rigveda Book 6 Hymn 45 Verse 16

rig bk 6 hymn 45 v 16


As you can clearly see the verse tells that we should worship only ONE God..

Reference : Rigveda 1 Hymn 164 Verse 46



Above Verse states that Sages give various name to the same ONE God..


And they say Islam DEGRADES women..

While watching STAR MOVIES, I saw an advertisement about a certain product which I cant mention here, However at the end of that advertisement I read these two line.

Its a naughty world, There’s alot to be won…!!!

Those who watch this channel know what I am talking about…

I just want to ask what message the western media is trying to give us here..

How about if some one SCORED their daughters or wives?????? How would that be????

These guys sell their daughters gift wrapped in a Bikini and they have the audacity to say that Islam degrades women by putting her under veil..!!!

If women have the freedom to expose their bodies, Why the hell they are NOT allowed to cover as well??

If a christian nun covers up  she is considered as a pious woman, but when the same is done by a muslim woman she is being oppressed.. and the answer is NO..

Svetasvatara Upanishad..!!

These are a few verses of Upanishads which I would like to share with you guys..

Following verses are taken from Svetasvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 Verses 19 -20

sve 4


Well that’s not it, take a look at these 🙂

Svetasvatara Upanishad Chapter 6 Verses 8-9



Points to THINK upon..

1- We can not SEE God.

2-He DOES NOT have any image.

3-He has NO father or Lord above him..

SOurces. http://www.hinduwebsite.com/sacredscripts/hinduism/upanishads/sveta.asp


Vedas or The Quran…???

Its is very natural that people belonging to a particular religion will think their scriptures are the Ultimate Truth BUT hang on there….

the question is how to decide which one is from the ALMIGHTY.

The answer is given in the Quran in Chapter 3 Verse 64 which says…

Say, “O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you – that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah .” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].”

The Quran in a broader term ask the people to come to commonalities between the scripture and this is what this blog is about..

No discrimination , no pointing out errors or abusing BUT to simply come to  common terms.

Peace can be achieved only by coming to common points as the Quran states otherwise Hindu and Muslims will remain separated .!!

Yajurveda Chapter 40 Verse 8-9

To keep it as simple as possible lets just read the above mentioned verses and find out what it says..chp 40 v 8 n 9

Some points to ponder upon.

1- God is bodiless

2-Sinewless ( have no parts)


4-Those people fall into darkness who worship other god besides True God.

The most fascinating point to me is from the verse 8 and it says. God is free from birth and death 🙂

These are also taken from yajurveda by Devi chand..

And Yajurveda states.???

Thes most popular verse among the vedas is from Yajurveda chapter 32 verse 3 where is says…

There is no IMAGE of him.. or some other translation reads as there is no counterpart of him..

The picture is from the yajurveda by Devi Chand..

chp 32 v 3

The above verse clearly states that God Almighty has no Image and also that he is UNBORN.. only He should be worshiped and no one else..

what about the verse that says he has no counterpart..

the word counterpart means.


  1. A person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in a different area.
  2. One of two or more copies of a legal document.
duplicate – copy – double

It is very clear that God has no copy, and to make a copy one needs to have an image which God doesn,t have..